WARNING: Includes political comment that may not be suited for some adults. Most definitely suited for the young as they are still teachable.
It's the 4th of July. All of the US is celebrating. Here in Costa Rica, not so much. :) I have seen posts on the expat sites though that in large expat areas they are having celebrations. My first thought was, "Why are people who have voluntarily left the US, due to not being real happy living there, celebrating its independence?"
I thought about it more and did some self analysis, (as usual). I guess I can't speak for others but as for me, it is still a good thing to celebrate Although some people say, "we are celebrating our freedom", I don't think that is what the holiday is about. It is about the US taking a stand. For the US to declare independence from England is a proud, strong moment it its history. We should celebrate this courageous act and replicate it as much as possible to win our country back from governmental tyranny. So even as expats, it is good to celebrate this history and try to keep that spirit alive.
Someone posted a comment about how America (I don't usually use this word anymore to indicate the US as I am in Central America, where they don't like we US folks saying we are American. They are too.) is not free. I totally agree. So what we should be celebrating is that strength of spirit that our forefathers had to fight off England's governmental tyranny and declare their independence. We should strive to get the power back to the people.
One of the solutions I often promote is to totally get rid of Congress or at least demote their responsibilities to committees that analyze proposals and give recommendations to the people. We don't need them anymore! When the government was first organized, people needed respresentatives. They did not have access to current news, events and issues. They did not have a way to vote quickly and effectively. With television and the internet, people have access to all of this now. We do not need legislators to tell us what is best for us. We can decide on our own. We do not need legislators to vote on any issues. We can do this on our own now.
Lets get rid of Congress, or cut back their power and responsibilities drastically! We don't need to pay their overinflated salaries. We don't need their bought and paid for votes and opinions!
We need to truly give the power back to the people! Get rid of these special interest bloodsuckers!
Ok, enough political rant. On to what we did for the 4th.
Nosara has quite a few expats but there were no picnics or anything like that. Maybe next year we can organize something like that. With not much going on, we decided to have our own little celebration. Jacob made a wonderful mixer from mango juice and fresh pineapple to go with our Captain Morgan's rum. We had a couple drinks at home then Jarred ran us down to Olga's bar on the scooter. It can only handle two people at the most but Olga's is just down a dirt road so he took me down there and then came back and got Jacob.
Jarred and I were hungry so we had dinner, delicious as usual. Had a native Pittsburgher come up and talk to us. Although this one was not one whose hometown would be necessarily proud to claim. Nice enough guy but by many indications, a long time tweeker. I had kidded Jacob that the men here for me are either younger than me and fat or quite abit older and skinny and which one should I choose? Last night after this guy talked to us he said I should go for the younger and fat ones. LOL
Olga's was pretty dead last night so although we had planned on partying, we did not stay long. However, I never get tired of the free spirit ambiance there and the ocean breezes and view.
I didn't sleep well last night though so I was tired. I had Jarred bring me back early. Tomorrow will be a busy day too. I did miss seeing fireworks though. I love fireworks!
P.S. Jacob just told me he and Jarred heard fireworks at Guiones beach last night. Missed it, damn!!
It's the 4th of July. All of the US is celebrating. Here in Costa Rica, not so much. :) I have seen posts on the expat sites though that in large expat areas they are having celebrations. My first thought was, "Why are people who have voluntarily left the US, due to not being real happy living there, celebrating its independence?"
I thought about it more and did some self analysis, (as usual). I guess I can't speak for others but as for me, it is still a good thing to celebrate Although some people say, "we are celebrating our freedom", I don't think that is what the holiday is about. It is about the US taking a stand. For the US to declare independence from England is a proud, strong moment it its history. We should celebrate this courageous act and replicate it as much as possible to win our country back from governmental tyranny. So even as expats, it is good to celebrate this history and try to keep that spirit alive.
Someone posted a comment about how America (I don't usually use this word anymore to indicate the US as I am in Central America, where they don't like we US folks saying we are American. They are too.) is not free. I totally agree. So what we should be celebrating is that strength of spirit that our forefathers had to fight off England's governmental tyranny and declare their independence. We should strive to get the power back to the people.
One of the solutions I often promote is to totally get rid of Congress or at least demote their responsibilities to committees that analyze proposals and give recommendations to the people. We don't need them anymore! When the government was first organized, people needed respresentatives. They did not have access to current news, events and issues. They did not have a way to vote quickly and effectively. With television and the internet, people have access to all of this now. We do not need legislators to tell us what is best for us. We can decide on our own. We do not need legislators to vote on any issues. We can do this on our own now.
Lets get rid of Congress, or cut back their power and responsibilities drastically! We don't need to pay their overinflated salaries. We don't need their bought and paid for votes and opinions!
We need to truly give the power back to the people! Get rid of these special interest bloodsuckers!
Ok, enough political rant. On to what we did for the 4th.
Nosara has quite a few expats but there were no picnics or anything like that. Maybe next year we can organize something like that. With not much going on, we decided to have our own little celebration. Jacob made a wonderful mixer from mango juice and fresh pineapple to go with our Captain Morgan's rum. We had a couple drinks at home then Jarred ran us down to Olga's bar on the scooter. It can only handle two people at the most but Olga's is just down a dirt road so he took me down there and then came back and got Jacob.
Jarred and I were hungry so we had dinner, delicious as usual. Had a native Pittsburgher come up and talk to us. Although this one was not one whose hometown would be necessarily proud to claim. Nice enough guy but by many indications, a long time tweeker. I had kidded Jacob that the men here for me are either younger than me and fat or quite abit older and skinny and which one should I choose? Last night after this guy talked to us he said I should go for the younger and fat ones. LOL
Olga's was pretty dead last night so although we had planned on partying, we did not stay long. However, I never get tired of the free spirit ambiance there and the ocean breezes and view.
I didn't sleep well last night though so I was tired. I had Jarred bring me back early. Tomorrow will be a busy day too. I did miss seeing fireworks though. I love fireworks!
P.S. Jacob just told me he and Jarred heard fireworks at Guiones beach last night. Missed it, damn!!