Thursday, November 21, 2013

Roots or Wings

Don't look at or listen to others as to how you should live your life.  Choose what brings you your happiness.  If you want roots, stay planted to grow and thrive.  If you want to fly, use your wings and give yourself to the wind to grow and thrive.  Each person must choose for themselves.

                                                      -Laurel Sanders-

Yes, my very own quote this time.  I just bought my ticket to Costa Rica, again!!.   I have tried and tried to live the life that so many think I should lead.  It is just not for me.
Am I jealous of their close knit families, of spending a lot of time with their kids and grandkids, watching grandkids play in football games and babysitting little ones?  Absolutely!!  So many times I wish I was content to stay put in one place.  To be happy where I am, both in a physical and mental sense. 
Alas, I am not made that way.  I swear I have gypsy blood running through my veins. I am constantly pushing and striving.  While I may be happy where I am for a time being, I am constantly pushing myself intellectually, emotionally and experience wise. I also get restless in one place for too long.  This frustrates me a lot actually but it is how I am.   
Please let me be clear though.  That does not mean I am unhappy.  I am not!  At each phase of my life, at each new experience, at each new place I live or visit, I find great joy.  I do however go through growing and adjustment pains.  That makes the coming through that much sweeter though.  It brings to mind another quote I read somewhere.  Sorry I don't remember the author, maybe one of you knows.  "You are either green and growing on the vine or you are ripe, red and dying."

Do not misinterpret what I am saying here.  You can absolutely stay in one place, grow and thrive.  Many people want and need those kind of roots.  I just don't.  They feel like weights to me.  Pulling me down.

My main point here is to yea, go ahead and look at others and be happy for them when they find what makes them happy.  However, do not think that you have to be the way they are to be happy.  And don't listen to others as to how you should live your life.  I did for way too long.  I was unhappy way too long.  You really need to do what brings you inner happiness because if you are not happy inside, you cannot help anyone else be happy either.  And do not let fear control your life!    Keep watching because I plan to write a large, large blog on the issue of fear.

So yes, grow where you are planted!  But if that is not for you, pull up those roots and turn them into wings and fly!

(oh and I really don't care for Tom Cruise but I love this picture, ha ha)



  1. Actually Tom Cruise is perfect for this post. He is controversial and he takes the road less traveled, but he sure does always seem to be happy, doesn't he?

  2. Good point Rebecca. :) Thanks for your input.
