Monday, April 1, 2013

Back At Maximo

Let others lead small lives, but not you.. Let others argue over small things, but not you.. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
Jim Rohn

Gosh, another very appropriate quote.  Not that I think anyone is really leading a small life.  All my friends in smalltown Washougal, most of them I know are not leading small lives.  Small lives come from small minds and really, everyone I am friends with have very open minds, have looked beyond the small town mentality and I enjoy discussing small, medium and large things with. 

This quote though speaks to me about finally taking my future into my own hands, FINALLY, and not allowing anyone but myself to direct and decide it.  Well, God has quite abit to do with it too.  :)  So ok, me and God are working together on my future.  But that's it, no one else.  I will compromise with others but that is still going to be my choice.  I still have the power to make that compromise. 

With all that in mind, I was back at school, Maximo Nivel, today. First time in 22 years actually.  Here is a picture of our classroom, empty at that moment but soon had 3 English learners sitting in those chairs and we teachers, writing madly on that white board.  Had to give 20 minute mini-lessons today.  It was fun and exciting.  This afternoon from 4-6 I observed an already practicing teacher teach a class.  He was awesome!!  I learned so much just from watching him.  He had a great repore with his learners. I really am excited to help people learn English.  It is so rewarding.  Interesting that he calls himself T.J.  My trainer at 24 hour fitness was called T.J. too and he, like this one, was passionate and loved what he was doing by helping people.  Two great guys names T.J.
My grammar paper on auxiliary verbs is done but I still need to write three lesson plans on how I would teach that.  Luckily, the school keeps previous students grammar papers and lesson plans on file so I can look at those and get some great ideas.  I don't have to totally reinvent the wheel.

We had a break between class and I went to my friend Caitlan's house.  she has been here about 6 months teaching.  She rents a house nearby.  I had to catch a bus to get there but she told me which bus, how much it cost (50 cents) and what to say to the bus driver in Spanish so that he would know where to tell me to get off.  Don't ask me to repeat it, she texted it to me and I just read it (I'm sure poorly) from the text she sent.  I must have came close enough though as he told me the right stop to get off the bus.  We had our gringo feast consisting of grahm crackers, cinnamon raisin bagels, Little Debbies and Giradelli chocolates.  These are all things she requested I bring from the US as they are hard, impossible or too expensive to buy here.  Oh, oh, and the most imporant thing that happened today.  She showed me where a good Chinese food restaraunt was.  It is so funny listening to Chinese speak Spanish.  Since they don't say their R's and Spanish emphasise their R's, it is pretty amusing to listen to.  But good food!  And cheap!  Enough chicken and veggies for three meals cost $7.50 US dollars.

And I got to see Mario, Ricardo, Kim, Chelsea and Mckenzie again.  It was so great seeing all of them.  All in all, a pretty good first day back at Maximo.



  1. Small and big always depend on the point of view. So when you spread your wings and learn to fly, then suddenly small things look small. And sometimes big things also look smaller. :) It also matters where on your path (of life) you are. Small things can appear HUGE when you're close to them, but walking away from them (and I don't mean "run away"!) makes them smaller and smaller and smaller......

  2. Good to hear you are at ease there this time - sounds like it at least.
    Prayers will continue for you ! Just think POSITIVE thoughts !!

  3. I have 27 lesson plans a week in grammar reading and writing. not a big deal. lol See you when you return, Dave
