Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Finding happiness should not be seen as finding a needle in a haystack. Happiness is within. Each day is a blessing that brings an abundance of happiness. Therefore, finding happiness should be like finding a gift in a stack of gifts.
Steve Maraboli

I most definitely have a stack of gifts.  It took me awhile but I did finally realize that happiness lies within us.  It is not dependent on external forces.  We may have momentary saddness, depression and dissppointment but if we have happiness within ourselves, we will soon get over these and continue on with our happy lives.  I think this is a constant battle though.  It comes easier for some that others. 

It has taken me years and years to discover this for myself.  Now I guess some of the good things that has come from the divorce is that I no longer make long term plans.  I have learned to enjoy each day as it comes, because yes, tomorrow may never come.  You hear that all the time but besides that, tomorrow may come but not be anything like you were expecting or planning on. 

I have learned to trust God more with my life.  Not that I sit back and say, "God, here you go.  Do with me what you will."  I don't believe that is what God really has in mind.  But I do open my heart and mind a lot more to his guidance.  I don't feel like I have to do this all by myself anymore.  Whew!  What a relief!  :)  And I focus more on gratitude in my life than ever before and it is amazing how this affects your outlook on life and your happiness.

Here are today's pictures from Costa Rica.  The first one is the front of the place I have my home stay.  Only two keys to get in and out.  My last home stay had three keys.

This one is just a nice picture of a very welcoming home.  LOL  Nothing say's Welcome to our home like a 10 foot high cement enclosure, metal garage doors and razor wire on top of it all.
 Somebody must have gotten some really nice stuff because there is brand new razor wire over this fence.  It was actually quite beautiful and shiny in the sun today.  :)

Don't get me wrong!  Costa Rica is a pretty safe place.  We asked a native Tico about why they do this.  He told us Paranoia!  LOL  They do have petty crime and so that is one reason they do this.  I guess there is more theft here generally than in the US.  But remember, I am in the city too.  Out in the country most houses don't have metal gate enclosures and razor wire.  At this time they have WAY less violent crime that the US.  However, I have been told that this is starting to increase.  :(   As my daughter said, they are getting more and more Americanized, unfortunately.

This weekend I will be going on a tour to see a volcano and a botanical garden so I should be able to post more picturesque pictures, not just city pictures.  I can show you some of the true beauty of Costa Rice.  I know it is there.  I have seen it before.  :(


  1. It's funny because I'm sure when I'll get home I'll have a hard time adjusting to the fact that there's only one key to open the of my friends who's lived here for three years is actually paranoid when she goes home. She doesn't feel safe!!!

  2. you never told us WHERE you are in your awfu l envirnment ???
    I have lived here 22 years and NEVER had your awful experiences .. I h ope you do not scare away people who wanted to live here because you chose the WRONG area ..sounds like it because there is BEAUTY AND Safety in Costa Rica IF you find the CORRECT areas to live ..sounds like you did not..pity :(

  3. Debbolita: I answered your question on the Expat blog. I was in San Pedro, just outside of San Jose. I did not CHOOSE the area. That is where my school was. And it was not ugly. There were many beautiful things about the area. It is a typical middle class Tico area in a city suburb.
