Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Back Home for Awhile

Make the choice to embrace this day. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the "To-Do" list of tomorrow! It’s inspiring to see all the wonderfully amazing things that can happen in a day in which you participate.
Steve Maraboli

Great that this quote should show up.  It is something I have struggled with all my life.  Most of the time it had been looking at what I had to do tomorrow.  Always, always looking and planning ahead.  Some of this cannot be avoided, especially when raising children.  You have to always be a few steps ahead while raising a family.  And since the split with the husband, of course I have spent waaaay too much time looking back.  Remembering good times, trying to remember the bad to help me look at the marriage in a real light instead of having rose colored, retrospect glasses on, trying to figure out where, when and how it all went wrong.  So lately I have tried more and more to just enjoy and be in the now.  Costa Rica living really helped me do that and I can't wait to get back.  Something about the way the native Costa Ricans live and believe.  For the most part, they have not bought in to our American way of life in regard to bigger, better, faster, richer.  They are more laid back and seem to just enjoy life more.  They also go by their own time which is affectionately referred to as "Tico Time."  Which is not unlike island time.  :)  All of them running about 15-20 minutes behind.  We actually were instructed and expected to go round up our learners for our class about 5 minutes before class started.  The instructors warned us that they would not show up on their own accord.  One of our responsibilities was to go and gather them.   LOL  Now remember, the learners we had at the school were not little children or teenagers.  They were mostly young adults and business people.  Tico Time!!!
When I got up this morning to go to the airport, I was looking forward to coming back to Colorado.  I was a little tired of living in someone elses house, as wonderful as my host mom was.  (She cried last night and this morning when saying good bye)  I was missing friends and family back home a little and I was really looking forward to cooling down for awhile.
As great as it is to be somewhere else, there is no place like home and for right now, Colorado is still home to me.  But something very strange happened as we got closer and closer to Colorado.  I began dredding coming back.  It started to dredge up memories and feelings I didn't want to have.  It was bringing back old mind sets that I did not want to have anymore.
In Costa Rica I felt free and alive again.  Coming back to Colorado was feeling heavy and uncomfortable.  I knew then that I would definitely be moving back to Costa Rica in May.  It just feels right for me at this time in my life.  I don't know if I will stay a year, two or the rest of my life.  But very surprisingly, Costa Rica is already calling to me to come back.  And I plan on answering the call.
Now that school is out and I am back in Colorado, I will have more time to write here for awhile.  For anyone who does not know, I am having hip replacement surgery next Monday.   That is why I came back for awhile.  I am really looking forward to having this done as I have been in a lot of pain with my right hip for many years.  So remember me in your prayers, wish me luck, send good mojo, whatever.  I will keep you posted.
I will catch up and post pictures of my great weekend in Monteverde tomorrow.

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